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Omega Method of Medical & Clinical Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis is a natural state that we all experience several times a day. While the brain is in an alpha state, the mind and body can be directed to make changes at the core level, create new positive habits and release old conflicts and issues. Find out how good it feels to be free to love your healthy life!

If you have been struggling with your weight, or you are in pain, or having fear about what life presents to you, you can find help with Hypnotherapy.
My classes, programs, or individual sessions will guide your mind to feel confident, fearless, worthy and healthy. 

Find out how good it will feel to feel good again!

Current workshop participants only
Hypnotherapy Works!
(888) 574-5559

Therapeutic Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)

Hypnosis is a completely natural state of consciousness that we all experience every day. If you ever get completely absorbed in a good film or a good book, or drive along a freeway and drift into a day dream you are entering into a form of natural hypnotic trance. You âre awake and aware but your conscious mind is distracted.

The use of hypnosis as a therapeutic tool for promoting behavioral change, healing, and wellness was first recorded in the ancient civilizations of Egypt and India, but is undoubtedly as old as humanity. The reason is simple: Hypnosis is completely natural, safe, painless, and extremely effective. In short, it works!

All our values, beliefs, emotions, and behavioral patterns are learned, and reside in the subconscious part of our minds. When we induce hypnosis in therapy, we gain direct access to the subconscious (which is naturally suggestible to new ways of doing things) and in so doing bypass the conscious mind and the inner critic that makes changing behaviors and feelings so difficult. We allow ourselves to get unstuck in our ways, to unlearn our negative or unwanted behaviors, emotions, habits or fears, etc, and relearn new and desirable ones that can help us live a happier more fulfilling life.

Therapeutic hypnosis is used effectively as either a primary or adjunctive therapeutic tool for treating over a hundred behavioral, emotional, medical, and mental health issues, across the spectrum of human experience and for both adults and children. We use it to Stop Smoking, for Weight Control, to erase Fears and Phobias, enhance Personal Growth, promote and generate better Health & Wellness, and we use it for Performance enhancement at work, at home, and at play. The possibilities are almost limitless.

What Do Tiger Woods, Kevin Costner, Matt Damon, and Jackie Kennedy All Have in Common?
They have all used hypnosis to overcome barriers and accelerate their lives and careers.

In fact, it's likely that every day you come across at least one person who has changed their life using hypnosis.

Since hypnosis was approved by The American Medical Association in 1958, it's been used to help people: lose weight, stop smoking, end procrastination, reduce pain, increase self-esteem, manage stress, end public speaking fear, and take control over their lives generally.

We make it possible for you to use the power of hypnosis in the comfort of your own home for all of the issues mentioned above, and more!

In my practice I use five modalities; NLP (Neural Linguistic Programming, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), hypnosis, Brainwave Entrainment and  Meditation (Therapeutic Meditation; mindfulness meditation.)
In most cases it's a blend of two or more of these models, but sometimes only one gets the job done.  I have coined this method of treatment "The Omega Method". Now, I do have plans to teach it to other health care professionals, but, for now, I'm the only show in town.

Call me on my cell and let's talk about it
Call me on my cell and let's talk about it
HNI web TV
Stress management, Pain management, Sleep problems, Fears, phobias, Stop smoking, Weight management, Healing coaching, Success coaching, Self-Esteem issues, Personal issues, Relationship issues, Creativity, Writer's block, Stage fright, habits & Addictions, more ...
James A. Loving,CH.t, RSc.P, M.A.
I Know I look very serious in my picture and I almost changed it, but I decided to keep it to symbolize just how serious I am about helping you:)  The fact is that all of my sessions, whether group or  individual, are quite pleasant and fun, but I promise you'll be "seriously" pleased with the outcome.

I am very, very good at what I do (no brag just fact).  I am an expert. I have been at this for over 25 years and in my own life I have seen the best of times and the worst of times, trust me "best is better.... and I want to show you how to have the best.. "I'M SERIOUS!

Think of how you will feel next week when stress and anxiety are mere memories:  when everyday stressors, big and small, just roll off you like water off the proverbial ducks back; when self destructive Behaviors like smoking or overeating are magically replaced by healthy ones.  Imagine how it will feel to just feel good.

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Although Hypnosis is a powerful tool for change, it's power and effectiveness can be enhanced with an appropriate blend of other modalities.  I use Therapeutic Meditation; NLP, well as Spiritual concepts.  As your Spirit/Mind Coach, I will design a program just for you. 

Good hypnotherapists are not that hard to find, but they are expensive.  A single session with a well trained hypnotherapist costs in the $80 -$300 range.  The average is about $115.  My rate is $125.  That is why I've decided to take on a limited number of "Health & Healing coaching" clients. It's much more affordable and at the same time , more effective.  Here's how it works:

First  We have a brief telephone interview to determine if I can help you.

We have our first meeting where we delve deeper into the nature of your concern; and our approach for resolution..

We agree to a contract.  We agree to 6 face to face sessions; unlimited phone sessions; 1 CD from the Blue Rose series and 3 CDs made especially for you. 

Limited Engagement.  The entire  process will be completed  within 4 weeks   ( Except the "BLUE ROSE" obligation).   If more sessions are needed they will be at the discounted fee of $80 per That's it.

For  this service, you agree to pay only $527.  $200  on the signing of the contract, and the balance by the third session.
Health & Healing Coaching
Issued by:
Blue Rose
The Blue Button
Using hypnosis for physical conditions is one of the most underutilized areas. Why? Because often, when hypnosis is brought up it's portrayed as something wacky and with little scientific validity. (Read entire article) ( click the box above )

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The Blue Button
Medical hypnosis
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