Laws of the Universe

The Law of Cause and Effect

It is the eternal law of Nature that there can be no effect without a cause. Things do not just happen. They come into being and are the results of our thoughts, actions and deeds. In terms of your mind, that means that your results are the 12%, but the causes represent 88% of your mind. So everything has a cause: you just might not know what that cause is.

If we make mistakes in life, we pay the price. We are the arbiters of our own destiny. Thoughts which we dwell upon in our minds are the seed, and the seed will nurture a harvest according to the law of “like produces like.” All seeds must reproduce according to type. Seed determines the type, harvest reveals the seed sown. “Whatsoever a man soweth – that shall he also reap.” Perhaps this Biblical quotation will take on new meaning for you now. Our world is busy applying Band-Aids® to the effects of our “problems” when we should be doing major surgery on the cause - - which occurs within each individual. Wisdom is the faculty of knowing what will be the effect of a cause.

Every action in the universe must be followed by an appropriate reaction. There is no exception of any kind, at any time, for any reason. This means simply that we will get out of life what we put into life - - no more and no less.

The Law of Free Thought

We learn to remain (of our own free will) within the Natural laws of our being. All things ideal must exist in us before they can exist in society. Peace, plenty and security are not detached from us; they are not things which exist apart. Unless we learn these basic laws of Nature, we will remain ignorant of the most important thing of all; how to conduct our lives so that he might richly live. We are rich or poor, happy or sad depending upon how effectively we use the laws of our nature.

No man is free who cannot give orders to his own habits.

The Law of Work

We live in two spheres: vocational and personal. The wise person seeks to achieve harmony between the two. Our purpose is to make a contribution while we here as creative beings and to advance the act of living to some degree by having lived. We should all be occupied in the highest employment of which our nature is capable, and leave this life with the consciousness that we have done our best.

The Law of Human Relations

Everything stems from the individual; society is an extension of the individual. The first human unit is the individual, then the family, the community, the city, the nation, the world. The contribution of every nation is the result of the quality of its citizens. Everyone cannot sit around waiting for another fellow to start doing something to improve society. YOU are the starting point. I am the starting point.

We owe it to ourselves and to each other to do what we can to promote peace and compassion. Remember that one mind warped affects everyone in the community. We’ve seen that time after time.

The Law of Perception

It is impossible for any of us to be objective about our own lives. Every human being is the exact center of his own life and the way he thinks and feels has a direct and all- powerful influence upon the way in which he interacts with others as well as his environment. We see our world not as IT IS, but as WE ARE. Whatever happens or occurs is treated subjectively always.

The Law of the Eternal Present

The subconscious is geared to act, react and respond in only one time period - - NOW - - the present. Everything it does and everything it can do, it does now. The future is nothing more than your present expectation of an incident or event yet to take place. You anticipate or plan for tomorrow - - NOW.

The Law of Change

Our creativity and the efficiency is directly commensurate with our appetite for change. Inability to adapt to change signals atrophy in this natural appetite with the result being indecision, doubt, fear and dullness. Change stimulates the magnificent creative faculty of the subconscious. None of us knows what is ahead. All things pass away, all things change. The important thing is to use today wisely and well and face tomorrow eagerly and cheerfully.

We are not just passive victims of our ever-changing world, however. We can create change if we desire to.

Once you have acknowledged the past and learned from it, it is time to release the past and forgive whomever you believe has injured you. And that includes forgiving yourself.

In other words, you are in complete control over if, when, and to what extent you will change. The power lies within you in your thoughts. You can use your thoughts to decide to change and then to create a new behavior that you can eventually transform into a habit.

The secret of handling our changing conditions is adapting to the Natural Laws of the Mind.


Natural Laws of the Mind

Law #1 – What You Think is What You Get
Any image placed into the subconscious mind develops into reality with absolute accuracy. Life is not determined by outward acts or circumstances; it is formed from the inside out. Each of us creates our own life with our thoughts. A single thought will neither make nor break a life; but a habit of thought will. You cannot think defeat and be victorious.

The subconscious mind responds only to mental images. It does not matter if the image is self-induced or from the external world. The mental image formed becomes the blueprint and the subconscious mind uses every means at its disposal to carry out the plan. Worrying is the programming of an image you do not want. The subconscious (not knowing the difference between a real or imagined image) acts to fulfill the imaged situation and “The things I feared most have happened.”

When you change your thoughts, you change your mind.

Law #2 Every thought causes a physical reaction.
Your thoughts affect all of the functions of your body. Worry thoughts trigger changes in the stomach that eventually lead to ulcers. Anger thoughts stimulate your adrenal glands and the increased adrenaline in the bloodstream causes many other physical changes. Anxiety and fear thoughts change your pulse rate. Hunger and thirst thoughts affect your stomach and salivary glands. Sex thoughts affect your sex organs.

Our personal body chemistry is guided and triggered by our emotions. However, thought leads the emotions. You can make yourself sick, poor and unhappy by your habitual thinking. People do not realize that it is a law that you become what you dwell upon. The law of electricity must be obeyed before it can become man’s servant. When handled ignorantly, it becomes man’s deadly foe. Just so with Nature’s laws.

The best way to instantly grasp Law #2 is The Lemon Test. Read the following a couple of times until you have committed the short process to memory. Then, close your eyes and see what happens!

Imagine you are in your kitchen on a bright, sunny day. Look around you and notice the colors and the light in the room.

Slowly work your way to the refrigerator, noticing everything along the way. Notice which way the door to the refrigerator opens. When you open the door you notice a lemon on the shelf in front of you. Look at a lemon. Feel it. Pick it up, bring it to a cutting board next to the sink, and pick up the sharp knife laying next to the cutting board. Slice the bright, yellow lemon in half. Picture yourself smelling the lemon, bringing it to your mouth, and then squeezing some of the juice onto your tongue.

Did you salivate? Did your mouth pucker?

Images are the property of the subconscious mind (the huge 88% of you). Those images will always overpower what you think (12%). Reason is easily overruled by man’s imagination. In fact, an idea accompanied by a strong emotion usually cannot be modified through the use of their reason. However, by subconscious re-programming, one can easily and effortlessly remove, alter, or amend any old idea.

The way I teach my clients about this Natural Law of the Mind is I say, “ Look at me right now. I am wearing a red shirt and khaki trousers, right?” “Okay, now close your eyes and picture me with a green shirt and purple trousers and a black hat.”

Now open your eyes and tell me which is real.

Your mind doesn’t know, as it has seen both and cannot tell the difference.

Law #4 – Your Habits are Your Life
Life is full of habits: successions of actions that become more or less automatic. Ninety-eight percent of what we do, we do by habit, spontaneously. Each separate act (habit), good or bad, plays a part in making you what you are. It is never too late (nor are we ever too old) to change our habits. You can begin today. You can begin right now, at this very moment. Remember that success is a habit and failure is also a habit. Repetition forms positive habits and negative ones.

Men do little from reason, much from passion, most from habit.

You Can Foretell Your Future
A surefire way to tell what your future will hold is to look at your habits of today. If you don’t change any of your habits of today, there is one place they will lead you.

If you want to change your habits, you have to work at it.

Getting rid of bad habits involves cultivating new ones. And that work has to be on the subconscious level. If you could change by just reading a book about change or going to therapy, everyone would be replacing all of their negative thoughts and behavior with positive ones. But it’s not that easy. Reading doesn’t create change easily or automatically.

What you use increases; what you don’t use, or abuse will atrophy from lack of use. All of your talents increase or decrease in proportion to the extent to which you apply them. Once a habit is formed, it becomes easier and easier to follow and more difficult to break.

Make good habits and they will make you.

Law #5 – Don’t breed negative thoughts
As you probably have learned through experience, the more attention and power you give to your fears, the more they affect you and the more likely they are to manifest themselves. If you continue to fear ill health, constantly talk about your “nerves,” “tension headaches,” “nervous stomach,” in time those organic changes will occur. Your nerves will act up, you’ll get tension headaches, and you will experience stomach problems. All because you kept those negative notions in your mind.

Law #6 – Attitude is a Matter of Choice
An attitude is basically the way in which you look at life, and as we have all experienced, attitudes affect the body and how the body performs. Fortunately, we all have the innate ability to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances.

The events that occur in our lives are purely neutral. They are not positive until we have decided that they are, and they are not negative until we have decided they are.

Law #7 – Reactions Must be Managed
This law is the corollary to the previous one; just as you can manage your attitude, you can manage your reactions. Again, what happens in your life is purely neutral. But how you react to what happens is not; it can affect your health and your performance.

Law #8 – Thoughts Must Be Kept Alive
No thought is self-sustaining in the mind - - it must be nurtured, fed and kept alive. The first time I heard the sentence: “Only one idea can be entertained at one time,” I was thoroughly confused. I was thinking about memory and how we can hold many ideas at once.

But the sentence refers instead to how the conscious mind recognizes an idea as true, correct, and guiding. And that it cannot hold the opposing idea simultaneously. For example, an individual may believe in absolute honesty. He trains and expects his children to be honest. Meanwhile, he cheats on his income taxes. He might rationalize his conduct by saying, “Everybody else does it.” He cannot, however, escape the conflict and its effect upon his nervous system that is caused by attempting to hold opposing ideas.

The following are truisms about your thoughts:

An idea, once accepted, tends to remain until it is replaced by another idea or until it is forgotten.
Once an idea has been accepted, there is opposition to replacing it with a new idea.
The longer an idea remains, the more opposition there is to replacing it with a new idea.
The longer an idea remains, the more it tends to become a fixed habit of thinking. (This is how habits are formed, both good and bad ones: first the thought, then the action.)
Therefore, if we wish to change our actions, we must begin by changing our thoughts.
Law #9 Attitude of Gratitude
One of the laws of the universe is what you put forth comes back to you—and usually when it does it has gained mass and momentum. In other words, what goes around, comes around. Therefore, if you develop an attitude of gratitude, and you look at your life in terms of all you have to be grateful for, you’ll start seeing more to be grateful for, focusing on positive things, and more positive things will then be attracted to you. 

The Laws of the Universe and the Natural
   Laws of the Mind
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James A. Loving,CHt.