How long has weight loss through Hypnosis been around?
Hypnosis has been around as far back as humankind itself. The induction of hypnotic state goes as far back as the medicine men of primitive tribes for religious and therapeutic ends. Magicians and priests of ancient civilizations were also known to practice hypnosis. People go in and out of trance state all the time, and have been since the beginning of recorded time. There were many well known practitioners, such as: Father Josef Gassner (1727-1779), Frederich Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), Jean Martin Charcot (1825-1893), Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) and Milton H. Erickson 1856-1926).
How does one achieve Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is achieved by a central focus of attention in surrounding areas of inhibition. The state of hypnosis will produce an increased concentration of the mind, an increased relaxation of the body and an increased susceptibility to suggestion.

Is Weight Loss Hypnosis approved by the American Medical Association?
Yes, hypnosis was approved by American Medical Association in 1958 in the treatment of certain illnesses when employed by qualified medical personnel. Over the years it has increased in many other disciplines with extensive training and certification.

Could I be made to do things against my will?
For years hypnosis earned a bad reputation as it had been abused as a stage show, a "trick", or entertainment. People are fearful that under hypnosis they will be made to-do things against their will. The truth of hypnosis is that it is a method of accessing the subconscious mind. Subjects remain in complete control of themselves at all times.

What happens when I am hypnotized?
The word hypnosis was coined in 1841. It is the Greek word for sleep (hynos). This is misleading because the trance state is not sleep at all. Most of us are in a trance state quite often. When we daydream, watch television, drive a long distance in the car we are often in a trance state.
What does the body do in this trance state?
During hypnosis, whether self-induced or guided by someone else, the body is deeply relaxed and the brain waves are at a frequency of eight to 13 cycles per second. This is the Alpha State, which is slower than the alert Beta state but above that of sleep or even deep mediation.
Where will I go during hypnosis?
Persons in hypnotic trance are fully aware of their surroundings, but their attention is intensely fixated and purposely focused on something in order to distract from something else, such as: pain, overeating, worries, smoking etc.
What is hypnosis used for?
Hypnosis is being used to treat the symptoms of such conditions as: asthma, arthritis, Parkinson’s, migraine headaches, depression, phobias, addictions, bulimia, insomnia, hypertension, nausea, gastric hyperacidity, burns, skin disorders, weight loss, smoking cessation, improve study habits and low self-esteem. These are just some of the ways hypnosis can be implemented. The list is endless.

Is it possible that a subject cannot be brought out of hypnosis?
No, all subjects are in control of their journey in hypnosis and can be brought out of hypnosis at the suggestion or on their own.

Omega Method
James A. Loving, CHt
James A Loving,C.Ht