Disease in Adulthood
When we become adults and move out into the world away from the protection of our parents and home, we also become more susceptible to acute and chronic diseases. We become sexually active, we drive cars, we mingle with more people, etc.With freedom comes more risk. 
Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) can be either acute or chronic. Some STDs are bacterial infections or sexually transmitted infections (STI) which means that they may, or may not turn into STDs. Whether they do or not depends on factors such as immunity, genes, constant exposure,and ongoing sexual activity with multiple partners without protection. "...Sexually transmitted bacterial infections like gonorrhea, syphilis, and the most common, chlamydia, are usually easily cured with antibiotics." (Ziegler,2014).
Viral infections,on the other hand, are chronic diseases and are difficult, if at all possible, to cure.

The video is fairly comprehensive, it discusses the three categories of venereal disease: parasitic, bacteriel, and viral.
Ziegler, m. (2014), Adult development and aging, CA: Bridgepoint. ISBN ,13: 9781621781417.
In future postings I will discuss more acute and chronic adult diseases.